Minecraft's Torch.ani Cursor Minecraft's Torch.ani Cursor
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Escape the Unknown

Royal History

The kingdom of Tauriel held an extensive line of Elves, descendant from an ancient bloodline. It was shrouded within a mythical forest, making it almost invincible to damage and hidden to outsiders. However, after many years of solitude, the presence of humans began to grow larger, and they settled on the outskirts of the kingdom. The humans were led by a royal guard and leader dubbed Firya, a non-believer in the old ways. To remain peaceful, the king of Tauriel and Firya made a deal to manage their sides of the land. This treaty was broken with the disappearance of the princess, and the King descended into madness to bring her back.

The Royals

The Ancients

The Bloodline

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